Monday, February 13, 2012

My university.

My university is the university of antioquia, and is an of the best universities of colombia. It was founded in 1803 and it has educated at many people of antioquia and of others parts of the country. It is formed for 26 academic units divided in 14 faculties, 4 schools, 4 institutes and 4 corporations, with close of 68 programs of undergraduate and 162 of graduate.
The university is too a cultural center with institutes that promotes the culture and arts as the university museum, the central library, the editorial udea, the cultural radio station and the cultural center of the faculty of arts.
the central headquarters of the university is the university city  that is located in medellin in the street 67 with the race 53. In it are the most of students of the campus. Too in medellin are; the san ignacio building, the area of the health that contains the faculties of nursing, dentistry, medicine and public health, and the citadel robledo with the faculty of agricultural sciences, the school of nutrition and dietetics and the institute of physical education.
The university count too with headquarters in Envigado, Puerto Berrío, Amalfi, Segovia, Yarumal, Santa Fe de Antioquia, Carmen de Viboral, Sonsón, Andes and Turbo that are part of the program of regionalization.

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